Friday, October 18, 2024
08:00 am - 08:45 am
Light Breakfast
(vegan menu)
08:00 am - 03:00 pm
Registration (All Day)
Free parking on the north side of Oklahoma City Zoo.
08:45 am - 11:45 am
Welcome to #ANIMAL2024| Kelley Barnes
Invocation| Robin Meyers
Why Do We Convene | Brent Toellner
Impacts of Climate Change | Berrien Moore
Mayor Holt | Welcome Message
Dan Flores | A Historical and Cultural Look at Animals and North America
Animals and Ethics | Clair Linzey
State of Animals | Brendan Hoover and Brett Robinson
Animal Wellness Action | Kevin Chambers
Drew Edmondson, Jim Roth, and Gary Maxey | Animal Law Panel
*Schedule is subject to change
11:45 am - 12:30 pm
Lunch - Greek Inspired
(vegan menu)
Artistic Interlude | RACE Dance Collective
Keeping People and Pets Together|Ross Barker
*Schedule is subject to change
12:35 pm - 01:35 am
Zoo Afternoon Activity - Animal Encounters
01:35 pm - 03:40 pm
Inger Giuffrida | Wildlife Rescue
David Holt, DVM | Imaging and Veterinarians
Journalism, Animals, and Power | Ben Felder
Corban Addison | Impact of Corporations and the American Farm
Closing Remarks | Kelley
Adjourn for the Day
Zoo is open until 5 pm
*Schedule is subject to change
Saturday, October 19, 2024
08:00 am - 10:00 am
Registration (Morning)
Free parking on the north side of the Oklahoma City Zoo.
08:00 am - 08:55 am
Light Breakfast
(vegan menu)
09:00 am - 11:45 am
Morning Welcome and Housekeeping Notes | Kelley Barnes
Zoo Welcome |Dwight Lawson
Elephant Wellbeing | Jennifer D’Agostino and Rebecca Snyder
What's the Hype about Monarchs? | Katie Hawk
Shelter Work Update | Brent Toellner, Maycee Goza, and Samantha Burnett
Maps4 and the New OKC Shelter| John Gary and Todd Edmonds
Louisa McCune Memorial Video | Mr. Christian Keesee to Introduce
Farm Animal Rescue | Jennie Hays and presentation of Rescue Pig
*Schedule is subject to change
11:45 am - 12:30 pm
(vegan menu)
The Transfarmation Project | Tyler Whitley
*Schedule is subject to change
12:30 pm - 03:45 pm
Felines and Photography | Priscilla Forehand
Mysteries of the Missing: K9 Stories from the Field of Search and Rescue | Molly Gibb and Little Man
CAFOs and Pig Confinement | Lesa Staubus
Attitudes Toward Factory Farming |Adam Feltz
Animal Song | Benji Harris
Closing Remarks | Kelley Barnes
*Schedule is subject to change
12:30 pm - 01:30 am
Zoo Afternoon Activity - Animal Encounters